Java: leveraging Spring MVC, JSF, GWT, Tapestry, Struts 1,2, Webwork, Ruby and the Ruby on Rails Framework PHP Python Groovy and the Grails Framework.
HTML(5),CSS, Javascript UI development, Javascript frameworks including JQuery, Prototype, Scriptilicious. CSS & CSS Frameworks such as blueprint. Alternative UI technologies including Flex / Flash, Google GWT, and more.
Authentication & Authorization leveraging different technologies and platforms including internal, LDAP, openID, oAuth, CAS.
Custom solutions leveraging Java EE security and other hybrid pluggable frameworks such as Spring Security.
Development of robust multi-tenant Saas architectures requires careful planning and experience through every step of the development lifecycle. Our team implements industry standard patterns and technologies for enforcing data-separation, security (authentication and authorization) and ACL (Access Control List) architectures leveraging many different technologies such as Spring Security, or Java EE platform services.
eGovernment Solutions's project management team can sit down with your organization and help determine if a SaaS based architecture fits your business needs. If your organization already has an existing web-application that was not developed with SaaS / multi-tenant functionality in mind, talk to us about options and technologies that can be implemented that avoid large scale re-writes your existing code and models.